The Average Joe Movie Show
The Average Joe Movie Show is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by Matt Wallace and Friends. Each episode is a comical free-form discussion on movies, news, and reviews! Recent topics include The Films of Martin Scorsese, The Future of the Cinema, Marvel vs. DC, 1970s Horror Retrospective, and Stephen King Book to Screen. Regular contributors include Zach Bennett, Andrew Brown, Shane Scantling, and Lexi Ayres.
The Average Joe Movie Show
Cuties/ 80's Horror Series PT. 2(82&83)
Matthew Wallace
Season 2
Episode 14
The Average Joes have watched the VERY controversial movie that Netflix has distibuted; Cuties. Is the backlash to #cancelnetflix have merit to it? Or is there something else going on in the movie? The Average Joes discuss.
The shenanigans continue with our 80's horror series! we discuss important movies from 82 and 83.
Short. Sweet. To the point. (kind of)
Join in and be an Average Joe.